CLI Tricks: Full justify text with awk
I wanted to do some full-justification of text.
So a little
I could set the desired width
and pipe to justify it.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN {c = "COLUMNS" in ENVIRON ? ENVIRON["COLUMNS"] : 80} { if (NF > 1) { s = $0 wc = split(s, a) gsub(FS, "", s) totalfill = c - length(s) fill = totalfill / (wc - 1) intfill = int(fill) errdelta = fill - intfill err = 0.5 printf("%s", a[1]) for (i=2; i<=length(a); i++) { width = intfill err += errdelta if (err >= 1) { ++width err -= 1 } printf("%*s%s", width, " ", a[i]) } printf("\n") } else print }